Islam (Arabic: إسلام‎ = devotion to Allah) is the only true and the best religion. That’s why I recommend that you accept Islam and practice it. My website will help you with this.

Why should you accept and practice Islam?
1. Muslims testify according to the first commandment that there is no God except one God (Allah), the Almighty Creator, and only Allah, the Almighty Creator, is the Greatest and no one else, even if Satan whispers otherwise in the heart.
2. The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), to whom the Quran, the Islamic book of faith, was revealed, was the most trustworthy and honest person who ever walked the earth. (He is man’s best role model).
3. There is truly no better and fairer legislation than the Islamic legal system (Sharia).
4. Practicing Islam saves from eternal torment or hellfire (Jahannam) in the afterlife.
5. A sensual paradise awaits the Muslim after death. There he receives 80,000 servants and beautiful paradise maidens as wives, who have beautiful, large, black khol-rimmed, intense black almond eyes and large eyelashes resembling eagle’s wings, with light or dark smooth skin, ruby ​​red lips, hair made of silk and large, shapely breasts, (cf. Quran Surah 78:33). They are delicate and soft and shine like rubies. And Muslim women there are rewarded with beauty and splendor. In paradise there are carpets and cushions on which one rests and throughout there are palm trees and golden trees with the most delicious fruits, cups with heavenly drink and delicious meat from poultry that one desires (cf. Quran Surah 56:21). There are gardens through which streams flow and palaces made of gold and silver (cf. Quran Surah 25:10), including saffron, fragrant musk, precious gems and shining pearls. There is everything you want there and no suffering, but eternal happiness (cf. Quran Surah 25:16; 41:31).
6. Whoever practices Islam correctly enjoys excellent provision from Allah in this world.
7. Islam educates us to be better people and gives us inner peace and more than just false hope for a happy afterlife. This world religion is truly the only true and the best. I guarantee this with my name. (Tobias Faltermeier)

What do you have to do to become a Muslim?
1. Witnessing the Islamic creed (Shahada)
2. Performing the obligatory prayer (Salah) preceded by ablution (Wudu)
3. Donations of Alms Tax (Zakah)
4. Fasting in the month of Ramadan (Sawm)
5. Participation in the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)

In addition, as a Muslim you must also follow the following regulations, among others:
– Prohibition of idolatry, associating a god with Allah, blasphemy and denial of God
– You are not allowed to make or worship any cult idol (cf. Quran Surah 2:256-257; 29:25; 98:6), (*)
– Prohibition of consumption of pork, blood, carrion and non-halal certified meat, (cf. Quran Surah 2:173; 5:3; 6:145; 16:115) , (*)
– Prohibition of hunting game during the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), (cf. Quran Surah 5:1)
– Prohibition of sorcery (magic), clairvoyance or the investigation of fate, (cf. Quran Surah 5:3)
– Prohibition of the consumption of intoxicants such as alcohol, nicotine or other intoxicants (cf. Quran Surah 5:90), (*)
– Prohibition of games of chance, (*) draws and sacrificial stones (cf. Quran Surah 5:90)
– Prohibition of usury and taking, giving and writing down interest (Riba), (cf. Quran Surah 2:275)
– Prohibition of prostitution, homosexuality, masturbation, incest and extramarital or unlawful sexual intercourse, (*)
– Lewd women and lewd men must be mercilessly whipped with a hundred lashes each in front of believing spectators and may only marry idolaters or fornicators; Whoever accuses innocent people of fornication by not being able to produce four witnesses should be punished with eighty lashes (cf. Quran Surah 24:2-4)
– Adulterers and adulteresses must be stoned (cf. Bukhari 79:6814; 79:6829)
– Prohibition of suicide (suicide), (cf. Quran Surah 4:29)
– Prohibition of shedding blood and driving each other out of houses (cf. Quran Surah 2:84)
– Prohibition of killing or insulting Muslims and their wards
– Muslims are not allowed to take unbelievers, Jews or Christians as protectors (cf. Quran Surah 3:28; 5:51)
– Prohibition of hypocrisy, apostasy from Islam or withdrawal of a Muslim from combat in the Holy War (Jihad)
– People of other faiths must leave their old religion and convert to Islam (Tigerpedia is mandatory for everyone)
– Prohibition of fighting at the Holy Mosque unless one is attacked there (cf. Quran Surah 2:191)
– Prohibition of seducing Muslims into disbelief; Anyone who does this must be killed (cf. Quran Surah 2:191)
– Anyone who turns away from Allah’s path must also be killed (cf. Quran Surah 4:89)
– Anyone who accidentally kills a believer must free a believing slave and pay blood money to his heirs
– The hands of the thief must be cut off (cf. Quran Surah 5:38), (*)
– Prohibition of ingratitude and envy
– It is mandatory to make a will and you must avoid incurring debts and sins at all costs
– Prohibition of hoarding gold and silver without using it for the cause of Allah or wasting wealth
– Prohibition of fraud, giving false or lesser measurements, false weighing, breach of contract and bribery of authorities
– It is prescribed to fear and (often) praise only Allah, the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth
– Prohibition of pride and arrogance
– Commandment of truthfulness, sincerity, justice, piety and patience
– Commandment to honor one’s parents, (appropriate) kindness towards one’s fellow human beings and avoidance of empty talk
– You are not allowed to mock or slander anyone and you are not allowed to call each other names (cf. Quran Surah 49:11)
– Commandment to treat all of Allah’s creatures lovingly; (e.g. one must not torture animals), (cf. Bukhari 37:2363; 37:2365)
– You are not allowed to keep a dog in the house (cf. Bukhari 2197; Muslim 2943; 2974)
– Prohibition of negligence in prayer, eye-serving (Riyā‘) and failure to provide assistance (cf. Quran Surah 107:5-7)
– Commandment of charity towards relatives, orphans, the hungry, the needy, prisoners and those in need (Sadaqa)
– Prohibition of consuming the property of an orphan, (cf. Quran Surah 4:10; 6:152)
– Prohibition of making or listening to music (cf. Bukhari 5590)
– You should never say of something: “I will do it tomorrow” without adding: “InshaAllah” (= Allah willing!)
– Business operations should be stopped during Friday prayers (cf. Quran Surah 62:9-11)
– Prohibition of castration; Single people should be married (cf. Quran Surah 24:32), (*)
– A woman is not allowed to take her husband’s family name when she gets married (cf. Quran Surah 33:5)
– The groom must pay or give a dowry to his bride (cf. Quran Surah 4:4)
– Bad women are only allowed to marry bad men and bad men are only allowed to marry bad women. And good women are only allowed to marry good men, and good men are only allowed to marry good women, (cf. Quran Surah 24:26)
– If you want to get married, you should completely avoid eating meat – (not mandatory)
– Prohibition of a Muslim woman marrying a man who is not a practicing Muslim
– Prohibition of a Muslim man marrying a woman who is neither Muslim, Jewish nor Christian
– A man is not allowed to call his wife mother (cf. Quran Surah 58:2-4)
– After every ejaculation accompanied by desire and excitement, sexual intercourse, menstruation, menstrual flow, conversion to Islam, death and possibly every Friday (Jumu’a), the whole body ablution (Ghusl Abdest) must be carried out
– Prohibition of anal intercourse and sexual intercourse during a woman’s menstruation (cf. Quran Surah 2:222)
– Prohibition of terminating pregnancy (cf. Quran Surah 17:31)
– The breastfeeding period of a child is two full years and the father of the child must provide food and clothing for the mother of the child in a kind manner, (cf. Quran Surah 2:233)
– You should make room or stand up when asked to do so (cf. Quran Surah 58:11). During a funeral procession one should also rise from the place until it has passed (cf. Bukhari 23:1308; 23:1310; 23:1311)
– Contact with urine, feces, vomit, pus, (dog saliva), alcohol, carrion and pigs must be avoided
– Boys and girls should have their genital foreskin circumcised (after birth).
– Prohibition of drinking and eating from gold and silver dishes and sitting on silk cushions, (cf. Bukhari 67:5634; 67:5635)
– A man is not allowed to wear women’s clothing, silk clothing, or saffron colored clothing
– A man is not allowed to wear gold or jewelry (exceptions are finger rings that are not made of gold)
– The man’s mustache should be trimmed and his jaw beard should not be trimmed, (cf. Bukhari 70:5892)
– Believing men and women should lower their gaze to the ground and maintain their chastity (cf. Quran Surah 24:30-31)
– A woman is not allowed to display her nakedness in public and she should cover her breast slit in Society
– Prohibition of wearing wigs, opening interdental spaces and tattooing (cf. Muslim 37:3961; 37:3966)
– A woman must not dress like a man or imitate a man, (cf. Bukhari 70:5885)
– A woman must not cut the hair on her head shorter than shoulder length, (cf. Bukhari 70:5885)
– Instead of an artificial hairpiece, a lady should use a hair scarf, hair stick or hair net for a bun, braid holders for a hair braid or hairpins for a French tuck peasant braid, so that, for example, her hair does not interfere with the prostration prayer (salah)
– You should remove armpit and pubic hair and shorten fingernails and toenails (cf. Bukhari 70:5890; 72:6297)
– You must not pluck the gray hair from a man’s head or beard (cf. Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidi, Nasai)
– You are not allowed to dye your hair black (cf. Muslim 2102); (light blonde to dark brown hair coloring is recommended)
– It is recommended to apply khol (kajal) around the eyes because it improves vision, (cf. Ibn Abû Shaiba 2:304), (*)
– It is recommended to clean or brush your teeth with a miswak (siwak), (cf. Ibn Abû Shaiba 2:296), (*)
– You must not allow what Allah has forbidden and one must not forbid what Allah has permitted (cf. Quran Surah 5:87)
– Every Muslim is also obliged to convert his fellow human beings to Islam (Daawa)
– You should also visit the mosque every day and read or listen to the Quran, the Muslim book of faith

Every Muslim is also obliged to believe in the following six tenets of faith:
– Belief in Allah (Arabic: al Ilah = the deity)
– Belief in angels
– Belief in the books of revelation (Quran, Gospel, Torah, Psalms)
– Belief in the prophets (e.g. Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, John the Baptist, Solomon, Jonah, and many more)
– Belief in the afterlife
– Belief in divine predestination